Il logo del nostro cliente


Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page


Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

Footer Page

Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.

  • Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

    Footer Page

    Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

    Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
    Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

    Footer Page

    Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

    Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
    Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

    Footer Page

    Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

    Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
    Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

    Footer Page

    Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

    Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
    Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

    Footer Page

    Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

    Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.
    Any text entered here will be shown in footer, e.g. copyright notice.

    Footer Page

    Konstrakt has a unique way of enabling you to create custom footer pages. You can create a static page, add content to it and set desired global settings overrides. Then you can use it as a template for all pages.

    Select your footer page from the dropdown, and footer on all pages will inherit settings and shortcodes of the referenced page.






  • BP












  • PDO


  • NIOC


  • EGPC


  • NNPC


    • CNOCC










    • PEMEX


    • PDVSA




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Rotondo e rotondo come una giostra

Quis tibi ergo istud dabit praeter Pyrrhonem, Aristonem eorumve similes, quos tu non probas? Quoniam, si dis placet, ab Epicuro. tiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. In effetti, di adesso, lusinga o, cuscino da lutto, hendrerit id, Internet.

Esplorazione delle sezioni cave in acciaio inossidabile

Stainless steel hollow sections offer a versatile and reliable solution for various structural applications. Their exceptional corrosion resistance, forza, durabilità, and aesthetic appeal make them a preferred choice in construction, architettura, industriale, and transportation sectors. Stainless steel hollow sections provide the necessary strength and stability while offering an appealing visual aspect to modern structures. As technology advances and design trends evolve, stainless steel hollow sections continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of construction and engineering.

ASTM A213 Tubo in acciaio per caldaie Panoramica completa e applicazioni

Secondo specifiche ASTM, questa particolare specifica riguarda i tubi senza saldatura in acciaio ferritico e austenitico per l'utilizzo nelle caldaie, surriscaldatori, e scambiatori di calore. I gradi specifici coperti da questa specifica includono T5, TP304, e altri elencati nelle tabelle 1 E 2. La dimensione del tubo varia da un diametro interno di 1/8 pollici fino ad un diametro esterno di 5 pollici, con spessori che vanno da 0.015 A 0.500 pollici (0.4 mm a 12.7 mm). Se sono necessarie altre dimensioni, possono essere specificati come parte dell'ordine, insieme agli spessori minimi e medi.

La superiorità dei tubi in acciaio legato per applicazioni su caldaie – Risultati del sondaggio

Abbracciando l'uso di tubi in acciaio legato, i professionisti del settore delle caldaie possono ottimizzare le loro operazioni, raggiungere efficienze più elevate, e migliorare la soddisfazione del cliente. I risultati dell’indagine testimoniano la crescente adozione di tubi in acciaio legato e ne evidenziano l’importanza nel progresso nel campo della tecnologia delle caldaie.


Sede centrale

ABTER Steel è orgogliosa di fornire servizi 24 ore su 24 ai nostri clienti.
+ 86-317-3736333

[email protected]


Siamo ovunque


tel : +86-317-3736333Fax: +86-317-2011165Posta:[email protected]Fax: +86-317-2011165


Segui la nostra attività

Oltre alla nostra pipa & magazzino raccordi, Taglio, Servizi di test e supplementi, e ai servizi sopra menzionati, offriamo anche articoli di grandi dimensioni/difficili da trovare in... Flange,Raccordi,Tubo / Tubo.

Post correlati
Rotondo e rotondo come una giostra

Quis tibi ergo istud dabit praeter Pyrrhonem, Aristonem eorumve similes, quos tu non probas? Quoniam, si dis placet, ab Epicuro. tiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. In effetti, di adesso, lusinga o, cuscino da lutto, hendrerit id, Internet.

Esplorazione delle sezioni cave in acciaio inossidabile

Stainless steel hollow sections offer a versatile and reliable solution for various structural applications. Their exceptional corrosion resistance, forza, durabilità, and aesthetic appeal make them a preferred choice in construction, architettura, industriale, and transportation sectors. Stainless steel hollow sections provide the necessary strength and stability while offering an appealing visual aspect to modern structures. As technology advances and design trends evolve, stainless steel hollow sections continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of construction and engineering.

ASTM A213 Tubo in acciaio per caldaie Panoramica completa e applicazioni

Secondo specifiche ASTM, questa particolare specifica riguarda i tubi senza saldatura in acciaio ferritico e austenitico per l'utilizzo nelle caldaie, surriscaldatori, e scambiatori di calore. I gradi specifici coperti da questa specifica includono T5, TP304, e altri elencati nelle tabelle 1 E 2. La dimensione del tubo varia da un diametro interno di 1/8 pollici fino ad un diametro esterno di 5 pollici, con spessori che vanno da 0.015 A 0.500 pollici (0.4 mm a 12.7 mm). Se sono necessarie altre dimensioni, possono essere specificati come parte dell'ordine, insieme agli spessori minimi e medi.

La superiorità dei tubi in acciaio legato per applicazioni su caldaie – Risultati del sondaggio

Abbracciando l'uso di tubi in acciaio legato, i professionisti del settore delle caldaie possono ottimizzare le loro operazioni, raggiungere efficienze più elevate, e migliorare la soddisfazione del cliente. I risultati dell’indagine testimoniano la crescente adozione di tubi in acciaio legato e ne evidenziano l’importanza nel progresso nel campo della tecnologia delle caldaie.