Pipe Fittings » Stainless Steel & Pipa Baja Paduan | 2Pipa dilapisi PE 3PE | Perlengkapan Pipa - Teknologi Saluran Pipa R&D Pabrik


By adding a high amount of metals such as chromium and molybdenum to the 2507 Bahan, Rangkap 2507 Spectacle Bind Spacer Ring becomes extremely resistant to uniform corrosion or General Corrosion, when exposed to environments that contain organic acids like acetic and acetic formic acid. Further, ANSI B16.5 UNS S32750 Flange exhibits excellent resistance to inorganic acids as well, especially in the presence of media that could contain chlorides. Although the ASTM A182 F53 Pipe Flange can be used in dilute hydrochloric acid, exposure to concentrated hydrochloric acid must be avoided. Due to the low carbon content of Duplex Flange, there is a low risk or minimal risk of the occurrence of carbide precipitation at the grain boundaries during heat treatment.


Stainless steel forged butt weld neck flanges are essential components in industrial piping systems. Their strength, Daya tahan, and leak-proof design make them suitable for a wide range of applications in various industries. By understanding their features, Spesifikasi, dan aplikasi, you can make informed decisions when selecting and installing these flanges. Remember to consult industry standards and guidelines for proper installation and maintenance procedures. With the right knowledge and expertise, you can ensure the integrity and efficiency of your piping system with stainless steel forged butt weld neck flanges.


ASMEB 16.5 stainless steel butt weld pipe fittings are vital components in the construction of reliable and efficient piping systems. Perlengkapan ini, mengikuti standar yang diakui, provide precise and secure connections between pipes, ensuring a seamless flow of fluids. Whether it is for the oil and gas, pemrosesan kimia, or other industries, stainless steel butt weld pipe fittings offer the necessary strength and corrosion resistance to maintain the integrity of piping systems. By selecting high-quality fittings and adhering to the ASMEB 16.5 standar, industries can ensure the efficiency and reliability of their piping systems, contributing to the overall success of their operations.


Fitting Buttweld Stainless Steel 304/304L/304H adalah fitting serbaguna yang dikenal karena ketahanan korosinya yang tinggi dan karakteristik pengelasan yang unggul. Baja tahan karat versi 304/304L/304H adalah variasi dari baja tahan karat dasar 18-8 nilai, Di mana 18 mewakili persentase kromium dan 8 persentase nikel.

Flensa-Baja Tahan Karat.jpg

Memahami Flensa: Flensa adalah perangkat mekanis yang digunakan untuk menyambung pipa, katup, atau peralatan lainnya. Mereka harus kuat, tahan lama, dan tahan terhadap korosi. Dimensi Flensa: Ukuran nominal flensa harus sesuai dengan ukuran lubang pipa penghubung. Peringkat flensa menunjukkan kinerja tekanan dan suhunya.


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ABTER Steel bangga menyediakan layanan sepanjang waktu kepada pelanggan kami.
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Selain pipa kami & stok perlengkapan, Pemotongan, Layanan Pengujian dan Suplemen, dan untuk layanan yang disebutkan di atas, kami juga menawarkan barang berukuran besar/sulit ditemukan di….Flensa,Perlengkapan,Tabung / Pipa.