Stainless steel pipe » Stainless Steel & Pipa Baja Paduan | 2Pipa dilapisi PE 3PE | Perlengkapan Pipa - Teknologi Saluran Pipa R&D Pabrik


UNS S32750 stainless steel pipe is a super duplex grade that offers exceptional corrosion resistance, kekuatan tinggi, dan daya tahan. Its chemical composition, including elements such as chromium, nikel, dan molibdenum, contributes to its unique properties. With a yield strength of ≥ 550 MPa and a tensile strength of ≥ 750 MPa, UNS S32750 stainless steel pipe can withstand high levels of stress and pressure. Its wide range of applications includes oil and gas, pemrosesan kimia, and marine industries.

Bagian Berongga Stainless Steel 316L 1.4404 dan Lean Dupleks 1.4362 UNS S32304
bagian berongga persegi struktural

Stainless steel hollow sections offer a versatile and reliable solution for various structural applications. Their exceptional corrosion resistance, kekuatan, Daya tahan, and aesthetic appeal make them a preferred choice in construction, Arsitektur, industrial, and transportation sectors. Stainless steel hollow sections provide the necessary strength and stability while offering an appealing visual aspect to modern structures. As technology advances and design trends evolve, stainless steel hollow sections continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of construction and engineering.


ANSI B16.9 Stainless Steel 904L Welded Buttweld Fittings adalah pilihan yang sangat tahan lama dan andal untuk berbagai aplikasi industri. Komposisi kimianya yang unik dan sifat mekaniknya yang sangat baik menjadikannya sangat cocok untuk lingkungan yang memerlukan ketahanan terhadap korosi yang tinggi.


Jenis 316/ 316L/316H are austenitic stainless steel intended for use in applications that require high strength, toughness and workability, as well as enhanced corrosion resistance. Compare to 304 besi tahan karat, 316 contains a higher percentage of molybdenum (Mo 2%-3%) dan nikel (Di dalam 10% ke 14%), Molybdenum has better overall corrosion resistance, especially for pitting and crevice corrosion in chloride environments.


The distinction between 304 and 304L stainless steel pipes lies primarily in their chemical composition, peralatan mekanis, dan aplikasi. Both grades belong to the austenitic family of stainless steels, renowned for their exceptional corrosion resistance, sifat mampu bentuk, dan kemampuan las.

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201 stainless steel pipe is a type of pipe made from stainless steel alloy 201, which belongs to the austenitic family of stainless steels. Paduan ini dikenal karena sifat ekonomisnya dan ketahanan terhadap korosi, menjadikannya pilihan populer untuk berbagai aplikasi. Dalam panduan komprehensif ini, kita akan mendalami ciri-cirinya, metode produksi, aplikasi, dan manfaat dari 201 pipa baja tahan karat.


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ABTER Steel bangga menyediakan layanan sepanjang waktu kepada pelanggan kami.
+ 86-317-3736333

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