Industry » Stainless Steel & Pipa Baja Paduan | 2Pipa dilapisi PE 3PE | Perlengkapan Pipa - Teknologi Saluran Pipa R&D Pabrik


Dengan menganut penggunaan pipa baja paduan, profesional di industri boiler dapat mengoptimalkan operasi mereka, mencapai efisiensi yang lebih tinggi, dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Hasil survei ini menjadi bukti meningkatnya penggunaan pipa baja paduan dan menyoroti signifikansinya dalam memajukan bidang teknologi boiler..


According to ASTM specifications, this particular specification pertains to seamless ferritic and austenitic steel tubes for use in boilers, superheaters, dan penukar panas. The specific grades covered by this specification include T5, TP304, and others listed in Tables 1 Dan 2. The tubing size ranges from an internal diameter of 1/8 inch up to an outer diameter of 5 inci, with thicknesses ranging from 0.015 ke 0.500 inci (0.4 mm sampai 12.7 mm). If other sizes are required, they can be specified as part of the order, along with minimum and average thicknesses.

Bagian Berongga Stainless Steel 316L 1.4404 dan Lean Dupleks 1.4362 UNS S32304
bagian berongga persegi struktural

Stainless steel hollow sections offer a versatile and reliable solution for various structural applications. Their exceptional corrosion resistance, kekuatan, Daya tahan, and aesthetic appeal make them a preferred choice in construction, Arsitektur, industrial, and transportation sectors. Stainless steel hollow sections provide the necessary strength and stability while offering an appealing visual aspect to modern structures. As technology advances and design trends evolve, stainless steel hollow sections continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of construction and engineering.


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ABTER Steel bangga menyediakan layanan sepanjang waktu kepada pelanggan kami.
+ 86-317-3736333

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