Pre-Insulated Pipe » Stainless Steel & Tuyaux en acier allié | 2Tuyau enduit PE 3PE | Raccords de tuyauterie - Technologie des pipelines R&Usine D


In industries such as HVAC, district heating, and chilled water systems, efficient insulation of pipelines is crucial for reducing energy losses and maintaining optimal temperature conditions. One effective solution for achieving this is through the use of polyurethane foam pre-insulated steel pipes. Dans cet article, we will explore the concept of polyurethane foam pre-insulated steel pipe, ses avantages, et son rôle dans l’amélioration de l’efficacité et de la conservation de l’énergie.


Polyurethane insulation pipe (black jacket insulation pipe, polyurethane insulation pipe and its connecting parts, including insulation tee, insulation reducer, insulation elbow, insulation bend pipe, insulation fixed joints, etc.) is suitable for urban heating, electric heating, water transmission and insulation, oil pipeline, plumbing pipe, air conditioning pipe, electric power pipe, thermal pipe...Pipeline insulation buried in the project is widely used .It has many advantages, such as environmental protection and energy saving, anti-corrosion and heat preservation, anti-freezing and cold resistance, economy and beauty, and reducing heat loss.


Pre-insulated pipes are manufactured under TS EN 253 standards and offer 30 years of service life at 120°C, 50 years of service life at 115°C and more than 50 years of service life below 115°C.

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Tuyaux pré-isolés, manufactured in accordance with the TS EN 253 standard, have an insulation lifespan of 30 years when continuously operated at 120-140℃, 50 years at 115℃, et plus 50 years at temperatures below 115℃.


Pre-Insulated Pipes • Heat loss during transfer is at a minimum level. • Provides ease of use, transportation and assembly. • It is resistant to corrosion. • It has a lifetime of more than 50 years under 120 ° C continuous temperature. • Due to the heat conduction coefficient of the polyurethane used, there is less heat loss compared to the classical system.Because the sheath pipe is HDPE, it provides 100% sealing.


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