S32760 Stainless Steel Pipe » Stainless Steel & أنابيب سبائك الصلب | 2الأنابيب المطلية بـ PE 3PE | تجهيزات الأنابيب - تكنولوجيا خطوط الأنابيب R&مصنع د


UNS S32750 stainless steel pipe is a super duplex grade that offers exceptional corrosion resistance, قوة عالية, والمتانة. Its chemical composition, including elements such as chromium, النيكل, والموليبدينوم, contributes to its unique properties. With a yield strength of ≥ 550 MPa and a tensile strength of ≥ 750 MPa, UNS S32750 stainless steel pipe can withstand high levels of stress and pressure. Its wide range of applications includes oil and gas, المعالجة الكيميائية, and marine industries.

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