pipa baja pra-insulasi berjaket galvanis


Berikut adalah beberapa detail tentang pipa baja pra-insulasi berjaket galvanis:

Konstruksi: Ini terdiri dari pipa baja yang dikelilingi oleh isolasi (biasanya busa poliuretan), yang kemudian dibungkus dengan jaket luar baja galvanis.

Jaket Galvanis: Lapisan seng pada jaket baja eksterior melindunginya dari korosi. Galvanisasi meningkatkan daya tahan untuk penggunaan bawah tanah dimana pipa akan terkena kelembaban tanah dan mineral.

Isolasi: Insulasi busa poliuretan memberikan retensi/pencegahan perpindahan panas yang efisien. Struktur selnya yang tertutup membuatnya juga tahan air.

Sendi: Bagian yang bersebelahan disambung menggunakan kit sambungan insulasi untuk mempertahankan pemutusan termal secara terus menerus. Perlengkapan berlapis khusus memungkinkan adanya sambungan.

Aplikasi: Biasa digunakan untuk sistem distribusi air panas dan dingin bawah tanah, jaringan perpipaan panas bumi, dan pondasi pra-insulasi struktural.

Keuntungan: Pipa pra-insulasi memberikan perlindungan dari korosi, isolasi untuk menjaga suhu, dan sistem yang diterapkan pabrik yang mempercepat instalasi.

Ukuran: Biasanya tersedia dalam diameter 1-1/4″ ke 24″ untuk mengakomodasi laju aliran/kapasitas yang bervariasi sesuai kebutuhan.

Standar: Harus memenuhi standar ASTM untuk sifat material dan kinerja baja, isolasi dan jaket pelindung.

Jadi secara ringkas, pipa baja pra-insulasi berjaket galvanis tahan lama, solusi perpipaan yang efisien untuk sistem distribusi bawah tanah yang sensitif terhadap suhu. Lapisan seng dan insulasi poliuretan memberikan perlindungan dan kinerja.


Nama Produk Pipa berinsulasi jaket besi galvanis
Panjang 6-12M, atau dengan kebutuhan pelanggan
Ketebalan lapisan Isolasi 32-60mm
Suhu sedang 50°C-120 °C, Maks: 140°C
Aplikasi Untuk sistem transfer air dingin
Standar Produksi Standar nasional GB/T29047-2012, CJ/T114-2000, CJ/T155-2001
Kemasan Dengan tutup ujung plastik atau baja di kedua ujung pipa


Diameter nominalnya OD ×Ketebalan(mm) Diameter tabung pelindung luar ×Ketebalan dinding(mm) Ketebalan insulasi(mm)
25 32×3 90×2.3 29
32 43×3 110×2.5 33
40 48×3 110×2.5 31
50 57×3 125×2.5 34
65 76×3.5 140×3 33
80 89×4 160×3.0 33
100 108×4 200×3.2 36
125 133×4.5 225×3.5 46
150 159×4.5 250×3.9 45.5
200 219×6 315×4.9 48
250 273×6 365×5.6 46
300 325×7 420×7 47.5
350 377×7 500×7.8 61.5
400 426×7 550×8.8 62
450 478×7 600×9.8 61
500 529×7 655×9.8 63
600 630×8 760×11 65
700 720×8 850×12 65
800 820×9 960×13 70
900 920×10 1054×14 67
1000 1020×12 1155×14 77
1200 1220×12 1380×15 80
1400 1420×14 1680×16 114
Posting terkait
Pipa dan Perlengkapan Pra-Insulasi

Pre-Insulated Pipes • Heat loss during transfer is at a minimum level. • Provides ease of use, transportation and assembly. • It is resistant to corrosion. • It has a lifetime of more than 50 years under 120 ° C continuous temperature. • Due to the heat conduction coefficient of the polyurethane used, there is less heat loss compared to the classical system.Because the sheath pipe is HDPE, it provides 100% sealing.

Sistem Pipa Isolasi Termal | Pipa Isolasi Busa Poliuretan | Pipa Isolasi Atas

abtersteel manufactures its product range for district cooling strictly in compliance with EN17415-1, EN17415-2, EN17415-3, EN489 dan standar terkait lainnya, yang akan memastikan masa pakai teknis minimum 50 tahun bila dirancang dan dipasang dengan benar.

Pipa isolasi berlapis baja EN253 | EN253 Pipa air panas

Polyurethane foam insulated steel pipe also referred as urethane foam pre-insulated piping, PU district heating pipesis the insulation pipe with rigid polyurethane foam plastic as its insulation material, made of inner carrier steel pipes, middle rigid polyurethane foam insulation layer and outer protective layer.

Solusi Perpipaan Pra-Insulasi

Pipa pra-insulasi, manufactured in accordance with the TS EN 253 standar, have an insulation lifespan of 30 years when continuously operated at 120-140℃, 50 years at 115℃, dan berakhir 50 years at temperatures below 115℃.

Peredam baja pra-insulasi

Pre-insulated pipes are manufactured under TS EN 253 standards and offer 30 years of service life at 120°C, 50 years of service life at 115°C and more than 50 years of service life below 115°C.

Siku baja pra-insulasi

Polyurethane insulation pipe (black jacket insulation pipe, polyurethane insulation pipe and its connecting parts, including insulation tee, insulation reducer, insulation elbow, insulation bend pipe, insulation fixed joints, etc.) is suitable for urban heating, electric heating, water transmission and insulation, oil pipeline, plumbing pipe, air conditioning pipe, electric power pipe, thermal pipe...Pipeline insulation buried in the project is widely used .It has many advantages, such as environmental protection and energy saving, anti-corrosion and heat preservation, anti-freezing and cold resistance, economy and beauty, and reducing heat loss.


Markas besar

ABTER Steel bangga menyediakan layanan sepanjang waktu kepada pelanggan kami.
+ 86-317-3736333


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Ikuti aktivitas kami

Selain pipa kami & stok perlengkapan, Pemotongan, Layanan Pengujian dan Suplemen, dan untuk layanan yang disebutkan di atas, kami juga menawarkan barang berukuran besar/sulit ditemukan di….Flensa,Perlengkapan,Tabung / Pipa.

Posting terkait
Pipa dan Perlengkapan Pra-Insulasi

Pre-Insulated Pipes • Heat loss during transfer is at a minimum level. • Provides ease of use, transportation and assembly. • It is resistant to corrosion. • It has a lifetime of more than 50 years under 120 ° C continuous temperature. • Due to the heat conduction coefficient of the polyurethane used, there is less heat loss compared to the classical system.Because the sheath pipe is HDPE, it provides 100% sealing.

Sistem Pipa Isolasi Termal | Pipa Isolasi Busa Poliuretan | Pipa Isolasi Atas

abtersteel manufactures its product range for district cooling strictly in compliance with EN17415-1, EN17415-2, EN17415-3, EN489 dan standar terkait lainnya, yang akan memastikan masa pakai teknis minimum 50 tahun bila dirancang dan dipasang dengan benar.

Pipa isolasi berlapis baja EN253 | EN253 Pipa air panas

Polyurethane foam insulated steel pipe also referred as urethane foam pre-insulated piping, PU district heating pipesis the insulation pipe with rigid polyurethane foam plastic as its insulation material, made of inner carrier steel pipes, middle rigid polyurethane foam insulation layer and outer protective layer.

Solusi Perpipaan Pra-Insulasi

Pipa pra-insulasi, manufactured in accordance with the TS EN 253 standar, have an insulation lifespan of 30 years when continuously operated at 120-140℃, 50 years at 115℃, dan berakhir 50 years at temperatures below 115℃.

Peredam baja pra-insulasi

Pre-insulated pipes are manufactured under TS EN 253 standards and offer 30 years of service life at 120°C, 50 years of service life at 115°C and more than 50 years of service life below 115°C.

Siku baja pra-insulasi

Polyurethane insulation pipe (black jacket insulation pipe, polyurethane insulation pipe and its connecting parts, including insulation tee, insulation reducer, insulation elbow, insulation bend pipe, insulation fixed joints, etc.) is suitable for urban heating, electric heating, water transmission and insulation, oil pipeline, plumbing pipe, air conditioning pipe, electric power pipe, thermal pipe...Pipeline insulation buried in the project is widely used .It has many advantages, such as environmental protection and energy saving, anti-corrosion and heat preservation, anti-freezing and cold resistance, economy and beauty, and reducing heat loss.