Siku baja pra-insulasi


Sebuah HDPE (Polietilen Kepadatan Tinggi) Siku baja pra-insulasi adalah komponen penting yang digunakan dalam sistem pipa untuk mengubah arah pipa sekaligus menjaga sifat insulasi termal sistem..

Fitting ini terdiri dari tiga bagian utama:

Siku Baja: Siku baja merupakan komponen terdalam yang memfasilitasi perubahan arah aliran di dalam pipa. Biasanya terbuat dari baja karbon atau baja tahan karat dan dirancang untuk menahan suhu dan tekanan cairan yang diangkut.

Lapisan Isolasi: Siku baja dikelilingi oleh lapisan insulasi, sering kali terbuat dari busa poliuretan. Lapisan ini menyediakan isolasi termal, mengurangi kehilangan panas (atau keuntungan, dalam hal sistem pendingin), sehingga meningkatkan efisiensi energi sistem.



Casing luar: Lapisan terluar biasanya berupa casing yang terbuat dari Polietilen Densitas Tinggi (HDPE). Casing ini memberikan perlindungan mekanis pada siku baja dan lapisan insulasi. Ini juga berfungsi sebagai penghalang terhadap kelembaban dan kondisi lingkungan lainnya, memastikan umur panjang dan kinerja sistem.

Desain dan bahan yang digunakan untuk siku baja pra-insulasi HDPE dapat bervariasi berdasarkan kebutuhan aplikasi spesifik, termasuk suhu dan tekanan operasi, jenis cairan yang diangkut, dan kondisi lingkungan. Seperti halnya semua komponen dalam sistem perpipaan, siku baja pra-insulasi harus dipasang dan dirawat sesuai dengan instruksi pabrik.


45° siku isolasi
Diameter biasa (mm) L (mm)
1.5hari 2.5hari 3hari 3.5hari 4hari
20 410 520 525 530 535
25 415 525 530 535 540
32 420 530 540 545 555
40 425 540 550 560 565
50 430 550 560 570 585
70 445 570 590 600 615
80 450 580 600 615 635
100 470 605 625 645 665
125 700 630 655 680 710
150 770 655 685 715 750
200 950 810 850 890 930
250 950 960 910 960 1015
300 950 910 975 1035 1095
350 1200 960 1035 1110 1180
400 1200 1015 1095 1180 1265
450 1200 1265 1360 1450 1545
500 1200 1320 1420 1525 1630
600 1200 1420 1545 1670 1795
700 1300 1525 1670 1815 1960
800 1400 1630 1795 1960 2125
900 1400 1930 2200 2305 2490
1000 1400 2035 2245 2450 2655
1200 1500 2500 2800 3100 3400

Insulation Elbow

90° siku isolasi
Diameter biasa (mm) L (mm)
1.5hari 2.5hari 3hari 3.5hari 4hari
20 430 550 525 530 535
25 440 560 530 535 540
32 450 580 540 545 555
40 460 600 550 560 565
50 475 625 560 570 585
70 505 675 590 600 615
80 520 700 600 615 635
100 550 750 625 645 665
125 700 810 655 680 710
150 770 875 685 715 750
200 950 1100 850 890 930
250 1200 1225 910 960 1015
300 1200 1350 975 1035 1095
350 1350 1475 1035 1110 1180
400 1350 1600 1095 1180 1265
450 1425 1925 1360 1450 1545
500 1500 2050 1420 1525 1630
600 1650 2300 1545 1670 1795
700 1850 2550 1670 1815 1960
800 2100 2800 1795 1960 2125
900 2250 3250 2200 2305 2490
1000 2400 3500 2245 2450 2655
1200 2700 4000 2800 3100 3400

Insulation Elbow

Posting terkait
Pipa dan Perlengkapan Pra-Insulasi

Pre-Insulated Pipes • Heat loss during transfer is at a minimum level. • Provides ease of use, transportation and assembly. • It is resistant to corrosion. • It has a lifetime of more than 50 years under 120 ° C continuous temperature. • Due to the heat conduction coefficient of the polyurethane used, there is less heat loss compared to the classical system.Because the sheath pipe is HDPE, it provides 100% sealing.

Sistem Pipa Isolasi Termal | Pipa Isolasi Busa Poliuretan | Pipa Isolasi Atas

abtersteel manufactures its product range for district cooling strictly in compliance with EN17415-1, EN17415-2, EN17415-3, EN489 dan standar terkait lainnya, yang akan memastikan masa pakai teknis minimum 50 tahun bila dirancang dan dipasang dengan benar.

Pipa isolasi berlapis baja EN253 | EN253 Pipa air panas

Polyurethane foam insulated steel pipe also referred as urethane foam pre-insulated piping, PU district heating pipesis the insulation pipe with rigid polyurethane foam plastic as its insulation material, made of inner carrier steel pipes, middle rigid polyurethane foam insulation layer and outer protective layer.

Solusi Perpipaan Pra-Insulasi

Pipa pra-insulasi, manufactured in accordance with the TS EN 253 standar, have an insulation lifespan of 30 years when continuously operated at 120-140℃, 50 years at 115℃, dan berakhir 50 years at temperatures below 115℃.

Peredam baja pra-insulasi

Pre-insulated pipes are manufactured under TS EN 253 standards and offer 30 years of service life at 120°C, 50 years of service life at 115°C and more than 50 years of service life below 115°C.

Tee Pra-Insulasi | Tee Naik Pra-Insulasi Berjaket HDPE

Purpose: The steel Tee fitting provides the structural strength and piping connectivity, while the insulation helps reduce heat gain or loss through the pipe. This makes pre-insulated steel Tees well-suited for heating and cooling distribution systems where temperature maintenance is important.


Markas besar

ABTER Steel bangga menyediakan layanan sepanjang waktu kepada pelanggan kami.
+ 86-317-3736333

[email protected]


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Telp : +86-317-3736333Fax: +86-317-2011165Surat:[email protected]Fax: +86-317-2011165


Ikuti aktivitas kami

Selain pipa kami & stok perlengkapan, Pemotongan, Layanan Pengujian dan Suplemen, dan untuk layanan yang disebutkan di atas, kami juga menawarkan barang berukuran besar/sulit ditemukan di….Flensa,Perlengkapan,Tabung / Pipa.

Posting terkait
Pipa dan Perlengkapan Pra-Insulasi

Pre-Insulated Pipes • Heat loss during transfer is at a minimum level. • Provides ease of use, transportation and assembly. • It is resistant to corrosion. • It has a lifetime of more than 50 years under 120 ° C continuous temperature. • Due to the heat conduction coefficient of the polyurethane used, there is less heat loss compared to the classical system.Because the sheath pipe is HDPE, it provides 100% sealing.

Sistem Pipa Isolasi Termal | Pipa Isolasi Busa Poliuretan | Pipa Isolasi Atas

abtersteel manufactures its product range for district cooling strictly in compliance with EN17415-1, EN17415-2, EN17415-3, EN489 dan standar terkait lainnya, yang akan memastikan masa pakai teknis minimum 50 tahun bila dirancang dan dipasang dengan benar.

Pipa isolasi berlapis baja EN253 | EN253 Pipa air panas

Polyurethane foam insulated steel pipe also referred as urethane foam pre-insulated piping, PU district heating pipesis the insulation pipe with rigid polyurethane foam plastic as its insulation material, made of inner carrier steel pipes, middle rigid polyurethane foam insulation layer and outer protective layer.

Solusi Perpipaan Pra-Insulasi

Pipa pra-insulasi, manufactured in accordance with the TS EN 253 standar, have an insulation lifespan of 30 years when continuously operated at 120-140℃, 50 years at 115℃, dan berakhir 50 years at temperatures below 115℃.

Peredam baja pra-insulasi

Pre-insulated pipes are manufactured under TS EN 253 standards and offer 30 years of service life at 120°C, 50 years of service life at 115°C and more than 50 years of service life below 115°C.

Tee Pra-Insulasi | Tee Naik Pra-Insulasi Berjaket HDPE

Purpose: The steel Tee fitting provides the structural strength and piping connectivity, while the insulation helps reduce heat gain or loss through the pipe. This makes pre-insulated steel Tees well-suited for heating and cooling distribution systems where temperature maintenance is important.